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Our Party's Platform

Gun Control 

  • Our party believes that you must be 21 to purchase a gun, and before you purchase you first must first undergo a background check.

  • Any former felons, sex offenders, or domestic violence perpetrators are prohibited from buying a gun. Anyone who has been clinically diagnosed with a mental illness such as bipolar disease, schizophrenia, depression, or other health conditions shall also be prohibited from buying a gun.

  • If one clears all of these tests they may then complete purchase of a gun. 

  • After purchase has been completed, one must complete 36 hours of training in how to use a gun.

  • We believe that we should abolish open carry and only allow concealed carry.

  • If you want to carry a concealed gun in public you must get a permit that allows you to do such.


  • We support legal immigration and the concept of an open border.  

  • We empathize with illegal immigrants. We understand why they are coming to America and support them on their path to legal citizenship no matter how they came into the country. 

  • The current steps to becoming a legal immigrant seem extremely difficult to our party. The Questions that are asked on one of the many tests required to become a citizen are questions that some U.S citizen adults to do not know. We seek to simplify this process. 

  • Basic human rights, such as education, healthcare, employment, and other opportunities should be given to anyone residing in the United States whether they are a citizen or not. 

  • We believe that the United States needs to stop the process of detaining people at the border. If there is an open border we feel no need to detain people. at the border. 

Health Care 

  • We believe that there should be a single payer healthcare system that covers basic health insurance. 

  • If a person would like more health insurance than what is provided you would need to pay more for it.

  • We believe that all preexisting conditions should be covered without further expense. 

  • We believe that vaccinations should be required for every citizen in the United States unless that person has a legitimate health or religious exemption. The standards for a religious or health exemption also need to be reevaluated. 


  • Renewable resources are the future of energy and we relive that more money needs to be spent of researching for alternative energy..

  • We should provide more remuneration and support towards making these changes happen with speed and efficacy. 

  • The incentives for creating cleaner energy is for the future of humanity to live in a better environment, without the looming threats of climate change and disappearing resources. 

  • Algae has been shown to have potential as a replacement for oil. Many companies such as Exxon Mobile have taken interest in harnessing the oil produced by algae.  

  • Over the past decades, the United States has created and enforced multiple laws related to energy consumption, creation, and waste management.

  • The laws stating how a company must use the energy it creates depend on the lotion and how they obtain the energy. First, permission must be given from the state and then from the landowner. 

  • The U.S Government had little to no control over how much oil is used or sold because many oil industries are privately owned. 

  • The complete absence of all oil industry would result in economic collapse, which is why we propose that these laws be introduced and developed over many years until the alternative resources industry replaces non-renewable energy sources. 

Legalization of Marijuana 

  • Marijuana needs to be legal for both medical and recreational reasons. 

  • Medical marijuana can help relive the side affects and symptoms of some serious medical conditions, such a Crohn's disease and multiple sclerosis. (Harding)

  • Marijuana relives stress and relaxes the muscles. 

  • We believe that it should be banned in public, and people can only use it in certified locations that have obtained a license. This will limit where it can be purchased. 

  • It is already legal in some states; we believe that we need to equalize this and make it legal in all of the states. 

Death Penalty 

  • We believe that the death penalty should be abolished in most cases.

  • Life served in prison without parole is often enough punishment. 

  • The special cases that we mentioned are in the cases of serial killers(3) 

  • Capital punishment is a serious punishment, and should be reserved for the worst people.


We believe that the United States military budget needs to be drastically reduced. 

  • Currently, the United States military budget is 546 billion dollars. However, the military has gone dramatically over budget. We are spending $700,000,000,000 on the military. This includes missile development, sending 3,500 troops to Afghanistan, 90 F-35 jets, 20,300 more troops, 2% pay raise, and the Space Corps.(MilitaryBenefits)

  • If the military had not exceeded the budget cap of $546 billion, there would be enough money to triple production in the United States' renewable resource industry, feed 10,000,00 families for a year, or purchase 400,000 housing units.(Cost) 

  • We do not think the United States should become an isolationist nation and not help other countries in need, but we are suggesting that the excessive military spending be decreased. 

  • Laws need to be set in place to prohibit such an extravagant amount of money being spent. 

  • We also believe that the United States should not enter a war without first trying to organize a peace treaty. This could look like a meeting held with other allies and other country to determine what can be done to preserve peace. 

  • In the event of which the United States Military is being dispatched, we believe that the president should control how quickly and to what extent fighting is to begin or resume.

  • A base number of troops need to be provided by Congress. However, if the amount of troops sent exceeds an amount provided by Congress, or if the causalities are too high, Congress may vote to withdraw troops from the country or city.

Women's Rights

  • Full-time, year-round, female works made 80.5 cents per every dollar made by a man. This is a wage gap of 20 percent (Pay Equity). 

  • A policy should be instated nationwide that states that if a man and woman are performing the same work the man should not earn more than the woman.

  • The State of California recently passed a law stating that there must be at least one woman on every corporate board (Carpenter). This policy should also be implemented nation wide. 

  • There needs to be a zero tolerance policy for sexual harassment in the workplace. 'Harmless jokes' and 'joking remarks' will not be tolerated.

  •  The easy access to Planned Parenthood that woman enjoy is at risk in nearly half the country (Parenthood).

  • Planned Parenthood is in a woman's rights as a United States citizen. 

  • The right to healthcare and by extension access to Planned Parenthood is a basic human right and should be protected as such. 

  • An ideal sales tax applies to whether or not a purchase is classified as a necessity or a luxury. While no state asses a unique tax on feminine products, we believe they should not be classified as a luxury. 

  • These products are necessary for a week for many women's lives for upwards of forty years. 

  • There is no luxury tax on other items, such as condoms. In reality, these items are much less necessary than feminine products. Having sex is a choice; having your period if not a choice. 

  • The real problem is that congress fails to include women in issues that involve women. A committee that wrote a bill on men and women's healthcare was made up of 13 Caucasian men. Not a single woman or minority was included on the committee (Pear).

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